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SER : Awareness seminar organized in Central Hospital on World AIDS Day

KOLKATA. An awareness seminar was held in the OPD waiting area of Central hospital Garden reach SE Rlys as part of the World AIDS day 2024. Dr Mukta Mandal, ACHD began the session with a talk explaining the theme ‘Take the rights path; my health and my right’.

Dr Y K Yadav, ACHD and Dr Arnab Das explained the epidemiology of the disease. Medical Director, Dr K Sreekumar, explained the significance of the window period and the variable disease manifestations .

Dr B N Jha, ACHD/Cardio stressed the need of paramedics in taking care during patient care so that they don’t get needle stick injuries. This was followed by question and answer session actively participated by the audience . The session was concluded by ANO Mrs Anjana Das Gupta who summarised the session.

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