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Rail Hunt

खुला मंच/विचार


Kolkata . South Eastern Railway has geared up safety precautions in view of cyclone “YAAS” which is likely to hit West Bengal and Odisha. Precautionary measures adopted in this regard are as under:

■ Close watch on Railway Bridges, Tracks, Yards & Signaling System
■ Silt, Vegetation and other obstructions cleared from catch water and side drains
■ Close coordination with State Govt. officials
■ All DG sets, diesel drive pump, earth moving equipment’s etc. has been kept ready.
■ patrolling at vulnerable locations by deputing patrolmen & Watchmen
■ Sectional trackmen will patrol the tracks
■ Tree cutting a road clearing teams are kept in alert at critical locations
■ Arrangements made to stock sufficient quantities of track maintenance reserve materials
■ Constant watch over Meteorological Department advisories
■ Additional Control Room & Disaster Management Cell of SER to be opened

South Eastern Railway has done preparations and ground work to meet the challenges posed by Cyclone YAAS. Taking advantage of the meteorological forecasts, SER has planned for early restoration of train traffic and railway track, if affected by YAAS. Round the Clock Disaster Management Cell has been opened at SER HQs at Garden Reach and at Divisional Headquarters. Hot line has been established between HQ and divisional Disaster Management Cell.Helpline No. shall be operational at Divisional HQ for assistance to employees and their families. Hospitals have been told to be in High alert to tackle all type of situations.

Shri Vidya Bhushan General Manager

Shri Vidya Bhushan General Manager, South Eastern Railway has reviewed the preparedness with all the Divisional Railway Managers and Principal Head of the departments, directed the concerned officials to be on full alert and to ensure the safety for staff and their families. The staff and their family members are advised to stay indoors when cyclone hits the territory. Alternate power supply is also to be arranged for keeping alive all emergency installations and communication system. Tankers filled with water has also to be kept ready to avoid any scarcity of water.

SER has also taken adequate steps by positioning of Special Teams for early restoration of tracks, signaling system and electrification etc., Safety onemergent Train Operations, to run train, if there will be no electric supply.All satellite phones are to be kept fully charged for moving to control offices.

Diesel locomotives have been kept in position for utilization during failure of electricity. As Red Alert has been given in coastal areas, SER is keeping watchful eye at all the stations in Howrah – Kharagpur-Bhadrak and Panskura-Haldia-Digha section other sections too.

Close coordination is being maintained with State Govt. officials at different levels. Full Supply Level (FSL) in case of canals & Danger Level (DL) in case of bridges have been painted with bright red band across each pier adjacent to the abutment so as to be clearly visible to the Patrolman, Stationary Watchman and Drivers.

Arrangements have been made not to allow water to stagnate on the track. In station yards, the cross drains and longitudinal drains have been cleared/provided proper grades. Stabled trains are advised to be secured to avoid roll down due to high wind velocity.

Patrolling of Railway tracks by Patrolmen has also been planned. They observe danger or interruption if any and protect the trains from any unusual occurrence. Stationary Patrolmen and Watchmen along with mobile Patrolmen have been deployed in vulnerable sections.

Instructions have been issued that whenever there is heavy rain, the sectional Trackman will organize patrolling of track on their own in their beat to make sure that the track is safe for passage of trains and ensure protection at all locations where washouts/slips are likely to occur.

Arrangements have been made to stock sufficient quantities of track & bridge repair reserve materials, viz., boulders, sand, cinder, quarry dust, ballast at identified locations. The Engineering relief vans and their equipment’s are kept ready. Bridge materials are kept in readiness so that they can be moved as per requirement. SER is in constant touch with Indian Meteorological Department and getting weather alerts on hourly basis.


As, all local trains over West Bengal have already been suspended in view of COVID-19 situation, only someFreight and Parcel Express trains were running.If required such trains will be suitably controlled, diverted and will not be allowed to run in these vulnerable section.

In view of the above Cyclone forecast, trains towards South India and East Coast either originating or terminating has been suspended and notified.

All COVID precautions are to be maintained and COVID protocols shall be followed in doing all arrangements has communicated to all concerned officials.




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