- Railway Board Granted ‘benefits’ to Unrecognised Federation (BRMS) Amid Cry for Parity from Others
- Affiliated Unions AIRF and NFIR both are silent without reason : Alok Chandra
The Railway Board has extended some facilities to an unrecognised federation, the Bhartiya Railway Mazdoor Sangh, amid strong protest from other unrecognised unions and their alliances.
The Board recently held a Secret Ballot Elections in which the Bhartiya Railway Mazdoor Sangh (BRMS) failed to secure 15 per cent vote, a mandatory requirement to get recognition.
Only two federations, All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) and National Federation for Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) got the required percentage of votes and recognition of the Board.
“Bhartiya Railway Mazdoor Sangh (BRMS), an unrecognised Federation, who secured 10.12% of the total votes on all Zonal Railways and Production Units (Chittaranjan Locomotive Works and Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala) in the last Secret Ballot Elections (SBE) – 2024, had represented and requested that keeping in view of their performance in the SBE-2024, they may be granted some facilities for raising the grievances of railway employees,” a Railway Board’s letter dated January 16, 2025, addressed to all zones, said.
The letter further said the Board considered the representation of BRMS and the fact that it registered its presence in all the Zonal Railways and PUs (CLW & RCF) in the last SBE – 2024 and secured third largest vote share after AIRF and NFIR.
According to the Board, it is decided to extend the union facilities such as ‘Informal meeting with senior officers’ and ‘Office Accommodation’ in Railway premises.
“Representatives of BRMS will be permitted to meet officials at Railway Board level as special invitees. However, no Special Casual Leave or Passes will be provided to BRMS officials for the same,” the Board in its letter said.
“Accommodation, if any, may be provided to BRMS in any Railway office/premise located at New Delhi,” it added.
Other railway employee associations and unions including Indian Railways Signal and Telecom Maintainers’ Union (IRSTMU) have strongly objected to the move.
Alok Chandra Prakash, General Secretary, IRSTMU asked the Board for the accomodation to be provided to the Railway Board for IRSTMU on the same lines it granted to BRMS.
“It is pertinent to note that the Railway Board laid down clear and specific criteria for the recognition of federations, according to which, a federation should secure at least 15% of valid votes in the SBE-III elections and its constituent unions should get recognition in at least six zones,” Navin Kumar, National President, IRSTMU said. Navin Kumar claimed that IRSTMU is already serving the interests of railway employees effectively.
Alok Chandra added the IRSTMU may approach court if its demand is overlooked. As there was no meaning of election. It is surprising that no reaction from recognised trade unions. It is the just entry of BRMS. I think next year this facility may be extended to zonal level and subsequently to branch level.
Navin Kumar further added “It is unfortunate that the Railway Board disrespect its own norm to give benefit to a federation, then why category wise unions are not eligible for accommodation at Railway Board, Zonal and divisional level. Railway board just ‘pick and choose’ federations on its own whims and fancies.
“Once the Board laid the guideline before election, it cannot offer benefits to any federation which failed to secure the required vote percentage. The Board is violating its one norms for reasons best known to itself,” added Alok Chandra, General Secretary, IRSTMU.
Press release