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खुला मंच/विचार

Tree Planting : National Tree Week 19th – 26th of March

Ireland. AWGP Ireland (Socio-Spiritual Org) organised a Tree Plantation Event – VRIKSH GANGA-TREE OF HEAVEN in collaboration with local school and local council where 1 ha of woodland with planting of 1200 Trees was planned. It was amazing to see kids participating enthusiastically and giving each tree a name like Friendship Tree, Tree of Dreams..

AWGP Ireland team was delighted to contribute in creating awareness on environmental sustainability. At our school and Tree Council of Ireland to celebrate National Tree Week on 23rd March 2023.

We planted 10 trees around the school grounds and had student representatives from each class plant their class tree. It was amazing to see kids participating enthusiastically and giving each tree a name:

  • Junior Infants: Friendship
  • Senior Infants: Inspire
  • 1st Class: Kindness
  • 2nd Class: Life
  • 3rd Class: Dream
  • 4th Class: Hope
  • 5th Class: Peace
  • 6th Class: Belief
  • Room 7: Unity

The aim to bring awareness among children and elders alike on the importance of Trees to our ecosystem and to save and plant more trees. AWGP Ireland is also a member of CRANN – Trees for Ireland.

We look forward to watching our trees and would like to thank the parents who came in to the school and orgainised the great event.

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ताजा खबरें

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