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Rs. 56 lakh cash and gold biscuits / ornaments recovered by the RPF Titwala

Mumbai. On 01.10.22 one person got down from train 12533 Pushpak express at Titwala station platform in suspicious manner when the train was moving in slow motion through Titwala station toward Titwala siding.

On duty staff head constable of RPF L. B. Wagh and MSF staff Shubham Khare detained him on suspicion and brought to RPF post Titwala station for further enquiry.

During the enquiry by IPF/Titwala, he disclosed his name as Ganesh P. Mondal, R/o Kamote, Navi Mumbai. On being asked he stated that he is doing trading of gold and returning from Lucknow.

Further enquiry regarding contents of his backpack, initially he hesitated, but later voluntarily opened the bag and shown its contents.

The bag was containing Indian Currency bundles and 2 yellow metal biscuits and yellow metal ornaments suspected to be gold.

He was not having any documents for the possession of cash or gold.

Hence, informed income tax authorities and requested for further action by the RPF/Titwala.

Accordingly Income Tax officer Vijay Malve and his three income tax inspectors attended RPF office Titwala on 02.10.22.

The cash bundles were counted in presence of witnesses and above officials, and found 11,200 notes of Rs. 500 denomination amounting to Rs. 56,00,000/-(Rupees Fifty Six lakh).

Also called authorised gold valuer who certified the yellow metal and yellow ornaments are gold, total valued Rs. 1,15,16,903/- (Rupees One crore fifteen lakh sixteen thousand nine hundred three).

Total cash and gold biscuits & ornaments recovered Rs. 1,71,16,903/-

Grant total of cash and gold valued at Rs. 1,71,16,903/- (Rupees One crore. seventy one lakh sixteen thousand nine hundred and three) found in the possession of above named person.

Since it is a suspected case of illegal transportation of Indian Currency and gold, the case was handed over to Income Tax authorities for further investigation.

Well done by the RPF of Titwala station of Mumbai Division, Central Railway.

#RPF #RPFTitwala #CentralRailway #DGRPF #RPFIndia #RailwayBoard


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